Dr. Fukaya's Skin Repair Lotion AVAILABLE NOW!

Dr. Fukaya finally announced that his Hyaluronic Acid solution is now available for people outside Japan! Here is the online shop website. It's worth checking out.


His Hyaluronan lotion is called Dr. Fukaya's Skin Repair Lotion.

I've been using one since April and really noticed the difference. Here is my updated before/after pic.
One thing I noticed, since the last post, is that redness on my face has all disappeared and white dermographism (skin leaves white lines as you scratch) is gone! Also I can feel more oil on my skin than before. Still minor rashes here and there, but hey this is the best time since late 2011! 
I've been using just Dr. Fukaya's Skin Repair Lotion - nothing else, no moisturiser, no fancy diet.

I would like to thank Dr. Fukaya for his amazing product. And releasing it abroad!

Hope the lotion helps all skin fighters with TSA. 


  1. Hey tommy
    Can you use this lotion on tsw skin? Or has to.be recovered from the rashes?
    I want to buy it since you have such great success with it.

    1. Hi Lisa, I'm surprised by the good results of the lotion myself! I'm thinking of writing a post on ITSAN if it helps other people to know about this wonderful lotion.. I think you can use it on TSW skin too. I started using it when my skin was still red and affected (it was about 15 months into TSW). I did a bit of research on the ingredients of the lotion and it was really mild so didn't think it would harm skin during TSW...
      Dr. Fukaya's website explains a bit about using the lotion during TSW. http://drfukaya.ocnk.net/page/1

    2. Hi Lisa, I'm surprised by the good results of the lotion myself! I'm thinking of writing a post on ITSAN if it helps other people to know about this wonderful lotion.. I think you can use it on TSW skin too. I started using it when my skin was still red and affected (it was about 15 months into TSW). I did a bit of research on the ingredients of the lotion and it was really mild so didn't think it would harm skin during TSW...
      Dr. Fukaya's website explains a bit about using the lotion during TSW. http://drfukaya.ocnk.net/page/1

  2. thanks tommy for the answer.
    i will look into it.
    you should post it on the forum so others can know about it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Tommy. These results are so impressive! I'm about 28 months into TSW, and my face and hands are still affected. I'm considering trying this product, but do you know if there's any risk of dependency?

    1. Hello Shiro Ninja,

      Wow you've been though TSW for more than 2 years! Well done!
      I hope you're seeing steady healing and it won't take you long to be completely healed.

      I'm most certainly sure that there is no risk of dependency. Since the lotions is not a medical product, and I checked on each ingredient in the lotion, I don't think your skin gets addicted to Dr Fukaya's lotion.

      Just for your reference, the ingredients are:
      Aqua (water), Hyaluronic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, IODOPROPYNYL BUTYLCARBAMATE, Hydroxypropyl-b-Cyclodextrin

      I've been using the lotion since April and there's been no problem. Even after I stopped using for a week to see how it's like without it, there was no adverse effects like TS.

      Hope this helps!

      By the way I love your name, Shiro ninja :)

  5. Great to know!! Thank you so much for your response. Yes, I've been going through TSW for over two years, but I'm a pretty long term TS user (20 or so years) and towards the end I was using potent creams and Protopic as well as getting Kenalog injections. Most of my skin is healed now with just some persisting areas like hands, neck, and face (a little minor rashes on my elbow creases and backs of knees too). I can't wait for my face to be healed, but it's really encouraging to see the healing you've experienced with the lotion. I hope you keep seeing lots of progress!

    1. Hi Shiro Ninjaさん,

      日本語ができるということは、are you from Japan? It's just that your writing is perfect, so I thought you may be...

      You must have been through a lot during TSW. I know how daunting you must feel to have your face affected - I'm the same. I'm glad that you're now only few steps away from being 100% healed!

      I haven't been able to properly follow ITSAN forum recently, but I will make a post when I'm healed.

  6. 日本語が間違っていなくてよかった!私はハーフです。実は日本語を書くときは結構いろいろ辞書を調べています!:P

    I will continue to follow your blog and progress! お互い早く治りましょうね!

    1. Wow your Japanese is perfect! ありがとうございます!頑張りましょう!

  7. Hi tommy,

    My whole body is v red n itchy. Esp my mouth n neck area. V tight n painful. Does it reduces itch n tightness ? I thought of applying on my face n eyes area.

    1. Hello Clifford Loh, I'm sorry that you're going through some tough time. I'm afraid that Dr. Fukaya's lotion doesn't seem to reduce itch or tightness on skin, I think the lotion is specifically for skin atrophy and rosacea. But Dr. Fukaya just released his new ointment to deal with mild eczema. I haven't tried it yet, but if you're interested here is the link http://drfukaya.ocnk.net/product/9

  8. hello tommy! i cud nt help appreciating the effect of lotion on ur wrinkles...i have fines lines undereye due to tsw...is the wrinkle liftment effect permanent? did u try stopping the lotion n the wrinkles came back or like dat??

    1. Hi Javeriya, thank you for your comment. I would think the effects are permanent, as I stopped using the lotion for a while but the lines didn't come back at all. x

  9. thanks for the reply tommy...howz ur skin doing now? r u still using the lotion?does it help u with rosacea? i have used ts only on my face ..m nt eczematic at all i used it for my acne scars for 22months..now got tsw on face only...shud i try dr fukaya lotion?

    1. Yes I'm using the lotion almost everyday now. My skin is doing fine these days. Redness on my skin got definitely improved. You're lucky as once you're done with TSW, you'll be all fine again! Whereas, because I got eczema, even after I'm all steroid-free, eczema still comes back occasionally and can be a bit nasty.

  10. Tommy, can u plz do me favour...there us sumthing written in japanese at the back of the bottle ...could u plz help me translate it in english
    thanks.. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The label at the back of the bottle says the ingredients, which you can see on Dr. Fukaya's website, the name of the seller, which is Dr. Fukaya's Company and the name of manufacture, which again you can check on Dr. Fukaya's website. And it says "150ml" "10,000 yen (excluding tax)" as well as a standard note saying "please avoid the direct sunlight". Please understand that at times I'm unable to respond quickly!

  12. Hi there could you post more updatee about your skin now from using the skin lotion? I have icthiyosis on top of having ezcema i also have skin atrophy my porrs became smaller after eating steroid do you feel your pores became bigger after putting the cream? I also have skin atrophy. Do you feel your skin areas that you applied the lotion became thicker now? Please let me know.

    1. Hi Liz. Just posted my updated review on my blog. Hope this answers your questions!

  13. I ordered his skin repair and ointment. I am near the end of topical steroid withdrawal and that's when it works. My face was bright red for 2 1/2 months even though better. Used the products last night and woke up to red face completely gone. Seems too good to be true to work that fast. My eyelids are still red although better - same with neck but face is clear. It was so bad I wouldn't leave the house - today I went shopping and finally feel normal. Will continue to use it - it made me itchy all night but I'll take itchy over that red face any day. So thankful to Dr. Fukaya for making this!!

    1. Hi Carol. Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better and got such good results from the lotion and ointment! I've heard that some people heal quite dramatically after using Dr. Fukaya's products. I've never used his ointment, but I've been using his lotion since 2013 and I swear by it. Wishing you continued healing :)


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